Dói tanto
ser enganada. É como se o mundo se desabasse sob os nossos pés. A princípio
suspeitamos de tamanha vontade e dos desejos que caiem em catadupa. Após anos
de experiências falhadas, alma magoada e pele ferida, recalcamos todo o nosso
afeto para bem dentro de nós. É assim, certo?
Foram tantas
as vezes em que me magoaram que perdi a conta. Construí muros à minha volta,
ergui portões e codifiquei entradas, deitei fora as chaves para nem eu própria
saber como abri-las. Por isso, é tão duro dar amor e entregar-me totalmente.
Gosto de estar à espera, de acreditar que ele ainda existe. Que seria o mundo
sem gente que nos amasse? O amor é um brilho que nos molda a visão e, apesar da
cor que traz aos nossos dias, pode ser uma arma que nos trespassa. O reverso da
O Ricardo
foi mais um rapaz que passou por mim e nem sequer disse adeus. Corre sempre
tudo bem no início. O mundo é lindo, as distâncias são curtas e ultrapassáveis,
as tardes de chuva depressa se transformam em amenos serões no sofá, abraçados
um ao outro, excitados com a descoberta.
O Ricardo
apareceu assim do nada. Inesperadamente respondeu ao meu olá. Conheci-o num daqueles
sítios de amizades online. Na maioria das vezes, nunca passa de um cumprimento
inicial. As pessoas assustam-se com o desconhecido, receiam que ao vivo as
pessoas nunca sejam aquilo que transparecem nas fotografias embelezadas com
filtros e retocadas no instagram. Por isso, sem expectativas, nunca imaginei
que dali pudesse surgir o quer que seja.
Mas o
Ricardo sorria, fotografava-se sorridente, brincalhão, afetuoso e simpático. Escrevia
longas frases, com todas as letras, sem abreviaturas, com as vírgulas no sítio
certo. Ele tinha tempo para mim e queria dar-me toda a atenção. Deixei-me
enfeitiçar aos poucos. Muito lentamente, devo dizer. Como disse, foram
demasiados os golpes para me deixar cair no engodo.
Visitei-o em
casa dele. Morávamos a 50 quilómetros de distância, algo que ambos negámos ser
obstáculo. Com um curso de Direito e a trabalhar num banco, ele alugava um dos
quartos do seu apartamento a uma amiga de longa da data. Soltei mil
gargalhadas. Ali estava mais uma prova das evidências. Ridicularizou-me: “é só
uma amiga. Nunca aconteceu e nunca acontecerá nada. Não sejas parva!
Conhecemo-nos há tanto tempo!” Tentei tirar nabos da púcara. Fiz isso com cada
detalhe da sua vida. O cadastro parecia limpo.
No espaço de
uma simples semana, Ricardo surpreendeu-me como há muito ninguém o fazia. De
uma forma adulta, madura e construtiva quis me conhecer e espicaçou o meu
espírito introvertido. Aos poucos, senti-me ceder. Dando passos cautelosos, fui
deixando o amor entrar. Fui ao fundo do coração trazer à superfície todos os
sentimentos recalcados anos a fio. Beijei-o, convidei-o para minha casa,
fizemos amor por entre os meus lençóis, arrepiei-me sempre que ele me
acarinhava as costas e percorria a pele com os seus dedos. Eu sentia o amor
fluir, a energia que passava dele para mim. Jurava que estava tudo a correr
bem. Eu nem sequer o procurava!
convidado e respondi aos seus intentos, apesar de com surpresa, com um sorriso
estampado no rosto. Temia sair magoada, receava tanto que estivesse a pisar chão
frágil. Ricardo pressentia o meu medo. Um dia, sem esperar, aparece-me de
surpresa à porta de casa. Ou foram duas vezes? Mas de onde surgiu ele? Porquê
este gesto de entrega e apaixonado? Estava ele assim tão interessado? “Claro
que estou”. A resposta parecia óbvia. O tom com que respondia às minhas
questões sugeria que eu estava a ser pateta. E eu não queria ser o entrave
àquele amor. Por isso, após uma simples semana, atirei os muros ao chão e
vasculhei em mim o profundo dos meus sentimentos. Estávamos nisto juntos,
Um par de
dias depois, ele e a companheira de casa foram jantar juntos. Ela, também
antiga estudante de Direito, precisava de falar urgentemente. Eu brinquei:
“Provavelmente, ainda se vai declarar a ti”. Ele ignorou o meu comentário. “Nem
imagino o que seja”, dizia ele por mensagem de texto. Poderia ser algo relacionado
com trabalho?
Enfim, a
mudez, nessa noite e na manhã seguinte, foi suficiente. Para bom entendedor, o
silêncio basta. Aos poucos, comecei a ver nuvens cinzentas aglomerarem-se no
céu. Caíram os primeiros chuviscos ao início do dia. No espaço de uma noite, a
cadência dos beijos e dos olás desvaneceu. Não houve boa noite. Muito menos,
bom dia. À hora de almoço questiono a quietude. “Tinhas razão. Ela declarou-se.
Estou muito confuso!”
confuso? Confuso de quê? É esta a palavra chave, não é? Como se pode estar
confuso quando nada havia a temer e eu era o futuro risonho? Meu deus! Afinal
era tudo mentira! O choque apoderou-se mim. A palavra confuso ressaltava do meu
telemóvel batia contra as paredes do meu cérebro. Fui incapaz, durante alguns
segundos, de ver, ouvir, pensar sequer. Confuso. Ele está confuso. Enfiada no
escritório, tive que engolir o drama, fazer-me de forte e sorrir aos meus
colegas de trabalho. Calejada, magoada, ignorada, respondi: “ok. Não volto a
incomodar”. E ele também não. A história termina aqui, triste, feia, com um
final tão infeliz. A vida segue em frente, mas o Ricardo continua a caminhar
feliz, agora de mão dada à sua “amiga de longa data”. E eu estou de coração
destroçado. Como é possível ser-se tão falso e mentiroso? Como é possível
ser-se tão mau ser humano? Ricardo é um cobarde, um homem triste, solitário,
arrogante e cruel. Confuso. Ah! Ah! Ah! Nunca vou esquecer esta palavra.
It hurts so much to be deceived. It is as if the
world collapsed under our feet. At first, we all suspect so many desires that
fall in cascade. After years of failed experiments, hurt soul and broken skin, we
repress all our affection within us. Isn’t that right?
So many times men hurt me that I lost count. I built walls around me, I raised gates and coded entries, lay out the keys to nor I knew how to find them. So it is so hard to give love and give myself totally. I like to wait and to believe that it still exists. What would the world be without people who love us? Love is a glow that shapes our vision and, despite the color that brings to our days, can be a weapon that pierces us. The reverse of the medal.
Ricardo was another guy who passed through me and did not even say goodbye. Everything is great in the beginning. The world is beautiful; the distances are short and surmountable; the rainy afternoons turn fast into balmy evenings on the couch, holding each other, excited by the discovery.
Ricardo came out of nowhere. Unexpectedly he responded to my hello. I met him on one of those online social apps. Most of the time, it never passes from an initial compliment. People are scare with the unknown, they live with the fear that people never are what they transpire in photographs embellished with filters and retouched in instagram. Therefore, I had no expectations, I never imagined that there could arise something between Ricardo and I.
But Ricardo smiled, photographed itself smiling, playful, affectionate and friendly. At home. At work. At the street. Writing long sentences, with all the letters without abbreviations, with the commas in the right place. He had time for me and wanted to give me all the attention. I let myself bewitch gradually. Very slowly, I must say. As I said, there were too many blows to let me fall into deception.
I visited him in his house. We lived 40 miles apart, which we both deny was an obstacle. With a law school degree and working in a bank, he rented one of the rooms of his apartment to a date long friend. A girl friend. I free a thousand laughs. There was the evidence of the end. But he derided me, "she is just a friend. It never happened anything and never will. Don’t be silly! We are just friends!" I insisted, I laugh, I just wanted the truth. I asked every question I thought was enough. I did this with every detail of his life. He was clean, I believed.
Within a single week, Ricardo surprised me like no one did for so many years. In an adult, mature and constructive manner he wanted to meet me and goaded my introverted spirit. Gradually, I felt yield. Taking cautious steps, I was letting love in. I went to the bottom of my heart to bring to the surface all the feelings repressed for years.
I kissed him, I invited him home, we made love between
my sheets, I shivered whenever he cherished my back with his fingers. I felt
the love flow, the energy passing from him to me. I swore that all was going
well. I was not even looking for him!So many times men hurt me that I lost count. I built walls around me, I raised gates and coded entries, lay out the keys to nor I knew how to find them. So it is so hard to give love and give myself totally. I like to wait and to believe that it still exists. What would the world be without people who love us? Love is a glow that shapes our vision and, despite the color that brings to our days, can be a weapon that pierces us. The reverse of the medal.
Ricardo was another guy who passed through me and did not even say goodbye. Everything is great in the beginning. The world is beautiful; the distances are short and surmountable; the rainy afternoons turn fast into balmy evenings on the couch, holding each other, excited by the discovery.
Ricardo came out of nowhere. Unexpectedly he responded to my hello. I met him on one of those online social apps. Most of the time, it never passes from an initial compliment. People are scare with the unknown, they live with the fear that people never are what they transpire in photographs embellished with filters and retouched in instagram. Therefore, I had no expectations, I never imagined that there could arise something between Ricardo and I.
But Ricardo smiled, photographed itself smiling, playful, affectionate and friendly. At home. At work. At the street. Writing long sentences, with all the letters without abbreviations, with the commas in the right place. He had time for me and wanted to give me all the attention. I let myself bewitch gradually. Very slowly, I must say. As I said, there were too many blows to let me fall into deception.
I visited him in his house. We lived 40 miles apart, which we both deny was an obstacle. With a law school degree and working in a bank, he rented one of the rooms of his apartment to a date long friend. A girl friend. I free a thousand laughs. There was the evidence of the end. But he derided me, "she is just a friend. It never happened anything and never will. Don’t be silly! We are just friends!" I insisted, I laugh, I just wanted the truth. I asked every question I thought was enough. I did this with every detail of his life. He was clean, I believed.
Within a single week, Ricardo surprised me like no one did for so many years. In an adult, mature and constructive manner he wanted to meet me and goaded my introverted spirit. Gradually, I felt yield. Taking cautious steps, I was letting love in. I went to the bottom of my heart to bring to the surface all the feelings repressed for years.
But I wanted him as well, tough I feared I was stepping fragile ground. Ricardo sensed my fear. One day, without waiting, he surprises me at my doorstep. But where did he come from? Why this romantic gesture? Was he so interested? "Of course I am". The answer seemed obvious to him. The tone that he said he responded to my questions suggested I was being goofy. And I did not want to be the obstacle to our love. So, after a single week, I threw the walls down. We were in this together, period!
But, unfortunately, this story as a sad ending. A couple days later, he and his housemate had dinner together. She was also an old law student and needed to speak urgently. I joked: "Probably, she wants to declare to you." He ignored my comment. "I cannot imagine what it is," he said by text message. It could be something related to work?
Finally, the silence that night and the next morning was clear enough. In Portugal, we have a saying, “to the wise, half a word is enough”. Or, in this case, a silence is enough. Gradually, I began to see gray clouds agglomerate in the sky. They dropped the first sprinkles in the beginning of the day. In a night frame, the rhythm of kisses and hellos faded away. There was no good night. Much less, good morning. At lunchtime I questioned the stillness. He answered: "you were right. She declared herself to me. I'm very confused!"
Very confused? Confused about what? Isn’t this the key word? How can he be confused when there was nothing to fear and I was the bright future in front of his life? My God! After all, was everything a lie? The shock came upon me. The word “confused” stood out from my phone and was beat against the walls of my brain. I was unable, for a few seconds, to see, hear or think even. Confused? He's confused. Stuck in the office, I had to swallow the drama, make me strong and smile to my colleagues. Calloused, hurt, ignored, I said: "ok. I won’t bother you again". Neither did he. The story ends here, sad, ugly, with a so unhappy final. Life goes on, but Ricardo continues to walk happy, now hand in hand with his "longtime friend". And I'm heartbroken. How it is possible to be so fake and a liar? How it is possible to be such a bad human being? Ricardo is a coward, a sad man, lonely, arrogant and cruel. Confused. Ah! Ah! Ah! I will never forget this word.
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