A menina estava nas mãos dela e foi arrancada à força. Ainda quente,
aconchegada entre os peitos e os braços dela, Matilde nada sentiu.
Delicadamente, a funcionária enfiou os dedos por baixo das minúsculas costas,
amparou os ombros e sem a acordar colocou-a num outro berço, cheio de mantas e
bonecos de pelúcia. Dois seres juntos, cúmplices, apenas separados por dois
corações partiram naquele dia, cada um no seu caminho. Elisabete disse-lhe
adeus com o olhar. Pouco mais podia fazer, apenas contemplar o bebé que ela
gerou e que, por sua culpa, apenas sua, quis que ceder a outrem.
Elisabete tem 18 anos e um longo currículo de maus tratos: o pai
alcoólico morrera num acidente de viação; a mãe enlouqueceu, deixou de ver as
cores do mundo e passou a deambular de terra em terra, mendigando migalhas. A
jovem, aos sete anos, passou a viver com uma tia que a maltratou, qual gata
Gustavo era um colega de escola, bonito, amigo e confidente. A única
alma caridosa num mundo de escuridão. Passavam horas na capela abandonada em
frente à casa dos sogros, a namorar e a imaginarem o dia de casamento. “O teu
espírito anima-me, sabia”, segredava ele ao ouvido.
Os sonhos, porém, morrem quando ela engravida. Lá no fundo, ela
desejava aquela mudança. Ele desconhecia os seus intentos. Os problemas começam
quando Gustavo tem que contar a notícia aos pais. Sem progenitores do lado
dela, cabia aos avós paternos ajudar no que fosse possível. Mas, para uma
família proprietária de quintas, amiga do sacerdote do distrito, com dinheiro a
rodos, a última cena desejada era o nascimento de uma criança. O sogro odiava
aquela miúda que nascera de uma união indesejada por eles. Queria que o filho fosse
médico. Nunca devia ter engravidado aquela rapariga. “O que vais fazer agora,
Gustavo?”, gritou-lhe uma dúzia de vezes. “Tens a vida destruída! Nunca
conseguirás ser alguém na vida!” O rapaz abandonou a casa, pegou na Elisabete e
foram morar para um pequeno apartamento de um quarto, no centro da vila. As
poucas poupanças acumuladas permitiram sobreviver durante algum tempo mas as
contas com a criança acumulavam-se, dia para dia. Quanto mais poupavam, mais
parecia que o dinheiro faltava. Conseguiram aguentar dois anos. Ela encolhida
entre o sofá da casa, o edredão e uns passeios ao sol no jardim central. A bebé
chorava muito, às vezes dia e noite com fome, e Gustavo apenas conseguia estar
fora de casa à procura de emprego. Aguentou uma semana nas vindimas, depois
outra a limpar obras a uns 20 quilómetros de casa. A seguir andava a carregar
fruta para os supermercados. Uns meses depois já mal sabia onde conseguir
trabalho. Nos dias que conseguia, partia de manhã e chegava ao final da noite.
Os dias passavam duros, cada noite pior que o dia. Trovoada seguida de vendaval
com trombas de água logo a seguir. Elisabete desejava nunca ter nascido. “O que
vou fazer?” Matilde nos braços dormir, alma cor de rosa, pacífica, a cheirar a
talco, com um pano a servir de fralda.
O pai da garota fazia o que podia mas era incapaz de engolir o orgulho
e pedir ajuda aos pais. “Ele disse-me coisas que me magoaram Elisabete! Nunca serei
capaz de o perdoar!”. Ela anuía e percebia a frustração daquele rapaz por quem
se apaixonara. Ela própria, filha órfã de pai, não podia contar com a mãe que
dormia nos recantos das ruas de Braga. Maltrapilha, intoxicada com o álcool,
Maria das Dores era a vergonha que Elisabete jamais queria rever.
Um dia, após ele partir para o trabalho, ela decidiu quebrar o gelo e
cedeu à dor. Talvez, com a menina pelos braços, o sogro lhe pudesse perdoar o
atrevimento e em nome da neta acedesse a partilhar algum do seu pão. Montou o
cenário: vestiu as piores roupas, não se penteou, não usou meias e, mesmo com o
frio, foi sem casaco bater à porta da moradia de primeiro andar. Foi a sogra
que lhe abriu a porta. As olheiras da mulher desciam-lhe pelo rosto e quando a viu
toda a tez clareou. Nitidamente a mulher esperava tudo menos aquilo. Vestida de
preto, avental rendado, chinelos de cigana, saiu num ápice e fechou a porta
atrás de si. Enrolou o xaile à volta dos ombros. Fazia tanto frio naquele dia.
“O que fazes aqui maltrapilha?”. Ao que ela respondeu: “vim ver o seu marido. O
avô da minha filha”. “Tu sabes que não és bem vinda. Não posso fazer nada por
ti!” A porta abre-se e o touro aparece. “Entra já, que os vizinhos vêm-te!”,
vociferou ele, de braços peludos em riste. “A Matilde precisa de comer. Eu o
Gustavo precisamos de ajuda”. A porta fecha-se atrás de si. Está dentro do
covil dos lobos. Há um silêncio e só se ouve o vento lá fora. Estão na cozinha,
o tacho está no fogão, com a água a fervilhar lá dentro. Há uma televisão na
sala ligada e Elisabete pensa: “como podem eles pensar em televisão quando
deixam a neta abandonada?” Dentro está quente, sente-se o cheiro de comida no
ar. A casa fica a uns metros da estrada principal. Do outro lado Elisabete vê
pelo canto do olho a capela abandonada.
“Já te dissemos que não queremos nada contigo. A única forma de ajudar
é deixares a Matilde connosco e saíres da vida do Gustavo”. A sogra olha-a
impávida, o sogro expele as últimas palavras sem noção da dor que infligem. São
farpas de ódio, que lhe dilaceram a alma. Elisabete está nua por dentro, pele e
osso, sem amparo, desesperada. Morta, por fim. “Muito bem. Eu desapareço.
Tratem-me da menina, por favor”. O sogro empina o corpo e endireita as costas
lentamente. Ela cedeu, rejubila. A esposa começa a virar a cara em direção ao
corredor enquanto chama pela empregada. O homem dá um último suspiro e relaxa
os braços. Por fim, venceu. Conseguiu os seus intentos. Tudo voltou ao caminho.
“Francisca, vem cá!” A empregada chega e obedece às ordens. “Pega na Matilde.
Ela ficará no quarto da bebé e a partir de agora nunca deixas esta mulher
entrar cá em casa, ouviste?” A rapariga troca um vislumbre triste e derrotado
com os olhos que vêm à sua frente. Pegou na Matilde, virou as costas e entrou
pelo corredor. O homem abre a porta e fica à espera que Elisabete saia. E ela
respeita a última ordem. Matilde deixou de ser sua. Gustavo deixará de ser seu.
Quando chega à estrada em vez de seguir para casa, caminha na direção
contrária, à procura de um outro caminho. O coração bate devagar. Ela apenas
queria o melhor pela sua filha.
The little baby was removed by force from her mother hands. Still body hot,
nestling between her breasts and her arms, Matilde felt nothing. Delicately,
the help stuck her fingers beneath the lower back, steadied his shoulders and
without waking her up putted her in another one the new crib full of blankets
and plush dolls. Two beings together, accomplices, only separated by two hearts
left that day, each in on their own ways. Elisabete said goodbye only with her
eyes. Little more she could do, just watch the baby she bore leaving her safe
space because of her own fault.
Elisabete is 18 years old and had a long history of abuse: her alcoholic father died in a car accident; her mother went mad, failed to see the colors of the world and began to wander from place to place, begging for crumbs. The young seven year old went to live with an aunt who mistreated her, like she was Cinderella!
Gustavo was a schoolmate, cute friend and confidant. The only kind soul in a world of darkness. They spent hours in the abandoned chapel in front of her in-laws house, dating and imagining the wedding day. "Your spirit animates me, you know?" he whispered in her ear.
Dreams, however, die when she became pregnant. Deep down, she wanted the change, a new life, becoming a woman. He was unaware of her intentions. The problems start when Gustavo has to tell the news to his parents. With no one on her side, it was up to the baby father’s grandparents to help them as much as possible. But for a family who owned farms, were friends with the priest district, with money in droves, the last scene they wanted was the birth of a child.
Elisabete is 18 years old and had a long history of abuse: her alcoholic father died in a car accident; her mother went mad, failed to see the colors of the world and began to wander from place to place, begging for crumbs. The young seven year old went to live with an aunt who mistreated her, like she was Cinderella!
Gustavo was a schoolmate, cute friend and confidant. The only kind soul in a world of darkness. They spent hours in the abandoned chapel in front of her in-laws house, dating and imagining the wedding day. "Your spirit animates me, you know?" he whispered in her ear.
Dreams, however, die when she became pregnant. Deep down, she wanted the change, a new life, becoming a woman. He was unaware of her intentions. The problems start when Gustavo has to tell the news to his parents. With no one on her side, it was up to the baby father’s grandparents to help them as much as possible. But for a family who owned farms, were friends with the priest district, with money in droves, the last scene they wanted was the birth of a child.
The man hated that girl that was born from an unwanted union for them. He
wanted his son to become a doctor. He should never have gotten pregnant that
girl. "What will you do now, Gustavo?" He shouted a dozen of times.
"You have destroyed your life! You will never be someone in your life!"
The young man left the house, pick Elisabete in his arms and moved in for a
small one-bedroom apartment in the center of the village.
The few savings they accumulated for a couple of months allowed them to
survive for a while but the accounts kept piling up, day after day. The more they
spared, the more it seemed that the money was missing. They managed to endure almost
two years. She huddled between the sofa of the house, the duvet and some walks
in the sun in the central garden. The baby cried a lot, sometimes day and night
hungry, and Gustavo could only be out looking for jobs. He endured a week in
the harvest, then another week cleaning building houses about 15 miles from
home. For some months he carry fruit to supermarkets in a van. In those days,
he left home in the morning and arrived at the end of the night. The days
passed hard, every night worse than the day. Thunderstorm, then gale, then spouts,
then rain. Their lives were a never ending winter.
Elizabeth wanted to never have been born. "What will I do?", she
thought several times. Matilde in her arms sleeping, such a beautiful innocent soul,
peaceful, smelling of talcum powder with a cloth to serve as a diaper.
The girl's father did what he could but was unable to swallow his pride and ask for help from his parents. "He told me things that hurt me! I'll never be able to forgive". She silently nod and realize the frustration of that boy with whom she fell in love. She herself a orphaned daughter of his father, could not rely on the mother who slept in the corners of city streets. Intoxicated with alcohol, Maria das Dores was a shame that Elizabeth never wanted to remember.
One day after Gustavo left for work, she decided to break the ice and gave up to the pain. Perhaps with the girl in her arms, the father in law could forgive her the impudence and on behalf of his granddaughter acceded to share some of their bread. He sets the scene: she dressed the worst clothes, didn’t comb, didn’t put any socks and even with the cold didn’t use a coat. And like that she knock on the door.
It was her mother in law who opened the door. The woman's dark circles went
down on her face and when she saw what was outside the whole complexion
brightened. Clearly the woman expected anything like that. Dressed in black,
lace apron, gypsy slippers, she glanced outside and closed the door behind her.
She wrapped the shawl around her shoulders. It was so cold that day. "What
are you doing here ragamuffin?" To which she replied: "I came to see your
husband. The grandfather of my daughter". "You know you're not welcome
here. I can not do anything for you!" The door opens and the bull appears.
"Come now, the neighbors are watching!" Said the man him with his
hairy arms raised. "Matilde needs to eat. Gustavo and I need help".
The door closes behind her. She is within the den of the wolves. There is
silence and they only hear the wind outside. They are in the kitchen, the pot
is on the stove, the water seething inside. There is a TV rumbling on the other
room and Elisabete thinks: "how can they think of television when they have
a abandoned granddaughter". Inside is warm, there’s a smell of food in the
air. The house is a few meters from the main road. Across Elisabete see in the
corner of her eye the abandoned chapel where they made love.The girl's father did what he could but was unable to swallow his pride and ask for help from his parents. "He told me things that hurt me! I'll never be able to forgive". She silently nod and realize the frustration of that boy with whom she fell in love. She herself a orphaned daughter of his father, could not rely on the mother who slept in the corners of city streets. Intoxicated with alcohol, Maria das Dores was a shame that Elizabeth never wanted to remember.
One day after Gustavo left for work, she decided to break the ice and gave up to the pain. Perhaps with the girl in her arms, the father in law could forgive her the impudence and on behalf of his granddaughter acceded to share some of their bread. He sets the scene: she dressed the worst clothes, didn’t comb, didn’t put any socks and even with the cold didn’t use a coat. And like that she knock on the door.
"We have said that you do not want anything with you. The only way to help is to let Matilde with us and get out of Gustavo’s life". The mother looks at her mother in law, the father expels the last words without sense of the pain they inflict. They are hateful barbs afflicting her soul. Elisabete is naked inside, skin and bone, without protection, desperate to feed her daughter. She is all alone. "Very well. I will disappear. Just please treat my girl". The father rears the body and slowly straighten his back. She relented, he rejoices. The wife begins to turn his face toward the hallway as calls by the maid. The man gives a last breath and relax his arms. Finally, he won. He managed to fulfil his intentions. Everything came back to the right path. "Frances, come here!" The maid comes in and obeys the orders. "Grab Matilde. She'll stay from now on in the baby's room and from now on never you let this woman get in this house, ok?" The girl exchange a sad glimpse with Elisabete who a defeated look. She tooks Matilde, turned and entered the hall. The man opens the door and is waiting for Elisabete to go out. And she respects the last order. Matilde no longer is hers. Gustavo will no longer be hers. When it reaches the road, instead of going home she walks the opposite direction, looking for another way to her life. The heart beats slowly now. She just wanted the best for her daughter.
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